
Bring the power of clarity to your team.

Introduce your team to the power of information architecture for making sense of complex situations.

Our classes and workshops will:

  • Improve your team’s skills, and therefore, their performance

  • Increase value through applying the principles of information architecture

  • Use IA to make every design not just look good, but be good

  • Grow your strategic abilities by teaching you from our expertise

We Provide Training and Tools

TUG provides training and tools to help people learn the value, principles, and application of information architecture. Everybody practices information architecture. From placing an order to formatting a report to setting up a system of directories, we all order and arrange information to communicate and help make sense of the world—and the amount of information we deal with only grows. Volume, Velocity, and Variety—the hallmarks of “Big Data”—are now everyday problems for teams, departments, and corporations.

Learn the Power of Information Architecture

Our workshops introduce you and/or your team to the power of information architecture to make sense of complex situations. Whether you are an executive or a designer, you will gain tools to clarify your understanding of complex situations and facilitate alignment across teams and organizations.

Independent of roles or job titles, I’d recommend it to anybody who has a need to collaborate and align with other humans on shared ideas or areas of focus.
— Sarah, Workshop Attendee

What We Do

Our core competencies—Digital Strategy (including AI Strategy), Evaluative and Generative Research, Digital Design, and Education—are key components of how we deliver results for our customers.


Making The Complex Clear


Clarifying Your World


Creating a Sense of Place


Seeing like an Architect