A n information architecture user research card sort

Evaluative and Generative Research

Bring clarity to your context through primary research.

We design and conduct qualitative user research. We then create models to translate our findings into durable insights that your team can actually use.

We will help you:

  • Discover the needs of the people you want to serve

  • Evaluate the user experience of new and existing systems

  • Align teams on a shared vision of the customer

Evaluative Research

Our research is more than just an assessment. Using a process refined over a decade, we analyze the usability and effectiveness of digital solutions. Through hands-on testing, we explore user experiences and identify areas that meet or deviate from expectations. We not only validate designs, we highlight opportunities for ongoing improvement—ensuring digital spaces exceed user expectations.

Generative Research

Our exploratory or discovery research, delves into the uncharted realms of user behavior and needs to uncover deep insights about the 'why' behind user actions. By understanding the users’ needs, motivations, behaviors, and context, we lay the foundation for innovative solutions and inform strategic design decisions—which ultimately inspires the design process.

Our Research Methods

User Interviews
A conversation to explore the situation, motivation, needs, and tasks of a user from their own perspective.

Contextual Inquiry
Observation and inquiry of a user performing a task in their natural environment in order to understand a task or process.

The unobtrusive observation of a user in their environment as a means of understanding their overall behavior.

Card Sorting
An interactive method for getting users to share with us how they think, categorize, and describe collections of things.

Expert Reviews
An evaluation of a system based on industry best-practices.

Tree Testing
An evaluation of the language used to help users find what they need in a list of categories.

Card Sorting
An evaluation of how things are categorized and grouped.

Prototype Testing
An evaluation of the structure of a website to allow users to find what they are looking for.

Case studies where research played a central role

Here is what other’s have to say about our research

Proven experts who blew us away with the modeling of their research. It was a game changer.
— Stuart, Client

Are you ready to clarify your world?

What We Do

Our core competencies—Digital Strategy (including AI Strategy), Evaluative and Generative Research, Digital Design, and Education—are key components of how we deliver results for our customers.


Making The Complex Clear


Clarifying Your World


Creating a Sense of Place


Seeing like an Architect